Taylor & Chu provides solutions which engage and delight customers. We understand that successful design results from understanding the user, developing a solid business case and working within your manufacturing capabilities.
We are in the business of solving your business problems. A solution to your challenge may be a new product or product line, a line extension, an incremental innovation, or break-through innovation. We can assist you in the design of a new process, strategy or system design.
Because our work is built on understanding the user, we can also perform design research. Design research can inform and drive results for product design, marketing, engineering, product strategy, and sales and marketing commercialization. We employ various research techniques including ethnographic research, shop-a-longs, deep-dive interviews and simulation modeling.
A solution for your business may be a new product or process, or it may be something we call invisible design. Invisible design is about understanding those non-visual product attributes, e.g. sound, feel, force to operate, etc. We can quantify those attributes in order to engineer your product for optimal results.
Taylor & Chu has broad experience in the following markets:
Medical Equipment and Systems
Small & Major Appliances
Commercial Appliances
Sports Equipment
Kitchen and Bath Hardware
Bath Safety